The status quo of the Spanish invoicing regulations is under change as a result of two undergoing initiatives which overlapse in time, namelly;
– The, so called, “Veri*factu”, that refers to the obligation for companies to use a homologated invoicing software and will be mandatory, expectedly, by 2026.
– The, so called, “Ley Crea y Crece”, that refers to mandatory e-invoicing on B2B transactions and will be mandatory, expectedly, by 2027 (2028 for companies with a turnover under 8 million Euros)
Navigating through the changes resulting from these initiatives can be chagenging, specially for multinational operating in Spain given the different scopes of the regulation involved. With the aim of helping with this task, we attach a table with an overview of the different formal obligations resulting from the Spanish operative after the changes.